
Issue by Issue – Batman Eternal #37

Writer – Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Tim Seeley, Ray Fawkes, Kyle Higgins
Artist – Andrea Mutti
Colours – Giulia Brusco
Letters – Taylor Esposito

Batman Eternal takes a break from the action this issue to catch up on what everyone is doing. Batwing is having problems with his armour of the mystical kind while Selina is doing her best at ruling the combined gangs of Gotham which really takes a lot of doing but it is better at the top than the bottom. The various criminals that escaped Arkham when it sank into the earth are now all hiding out in an old restaurant so that both Batman and the cops do not find them as they have no wish to be locked up again and they decide to team up for the betterment of them all. And last but not least, Batman is continuing his mission of trying to keep the streets safe with his fading arsenal in what seems to be a losing battle, one he has been losing for what seems quite sometime now. The writers of this book continue to paint a grim portrait for the future of Gotham and from a reader’s standpoint, it is fantastic to see. Watching the various heroes and various villains put into positions that they never thought to find themselves in is very refreshing and one of the best storylines that DC would have published at the time of its release. One of the better things to see in this series is how everyone is getting a little character development out of the story. Catwoman is becoming far more confident than she was and because of that, even a little cockier than she was as well. The villains who are running scared are starting to find that maybe it is in their best interests to put a little trust out there once in a while, even if it is still in their natures to back-stab each other. As for Julia Pennyworth, who did not want to believe that Batman was a good guy, is now dedicated to his cause, and the list goes on. There are a lot of good things happening in this book such as the artwork from Andrea Mutti, just one in a long line of great artists who have graced this title and that along with everything else make it a must-read each and every issue.

4 out of 5

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