
Issue by Issue – Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld Vol.2 #14

Writer – Keith Giffen, Robert Loren Fleming
Artist – Ernie Colón
Inker – Bob Smith
Colours – Lis Berube
Letters – Agustin Mas

Having been revealed as blind in the last issue, not to mention the daughter of a Lord of Order, Amethyst now looks for answers in Citrina’s study, scrolls that might aid her in restoring her sight. Once she finds them though, that is when it hits home once more, that she will not be able to read them. All is not lost though, as her father’s old crystal ball who is sentient like the rest of Gemworld lets her know, for everything around her can be her eyes if she so chooses. Still, it is not exactly the same as one’s own eyesight. Eventually, Lord Diamond shows up to escort her to a meeting and it is there that authors Keith Giffen, Robert Loren Fleming bring Carnelian back to the Gemworld, though he is much changed since last seen. The young man is bloated and covered in crystal, gigantic in size and repulsive to look at. The rest of those assembled want to kill him in order to be rid of him and yet, while Amethyst does not think there is anything she can do, try she will as she cannot let anyone suffer such a fate, even Carnelian. As this is happening, Carnelian reveals just how it is that he ended up as such, about the broach that belonged to Dark Opal and how it took control of him and soon, as magic swirls around Carnelian like a storm, Amethyst manages to pass through to the amazement of Lord Garnet to offer what little respite she can to the man. As one might guess while reading this book, especially during one of the interludes that all but tell the reader what is going to happen, the book ends on a surprise, but not really a surprise, resurrection that leaves readers wondering just what is going to happen next and how Amy will fair now that she cannot see. This new direction by Giffen and Fleming has been somewhat strange but it is getting better as it goes along and they definitely make it exciting, much of that which can be chalked up to Ernie Colón who continues to provide some incredible pencils on the book. all of it put together equals a great package and it is enough to want to come back for more.

4 out of 5

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