
Mind Capsules – All New, All Different Avengers #6 and Plutona #4

All New All Different Avengers #6
All New, All Different Avengers #6

Writer – Mark Waid
Artist – Mahmud Asrar
Colours – Dave McCaig
Letters – VC’s Cory Petit

Everything is revealed in this issue – The Dynasty, the Vision’s subterfuge and the big bad! Also, Ms. Marvel warms up to Nova, though only a little bit. Mark Waid and Mahmud Asrar provide an exciting conclusion to the first arc of the book, one that started out slow for the first few chapters and then picked up for the last few delivering a very entertaining finish to the team’s first mission. That being said, Waid and Asrar pack the book full of action and every Avenger gets a moment to shine. Sam Wilson learns Thor’s secret identity which should provide for good stories going forward. It also adds a unique dynamic between the two heroes who have only recently come to inherit the mantles of two of Marvel’s greatest heroes and it gives them something to share that the other Avengers do not have. As previously mentioned, Ms. Marvel and Nova share a bit of a moment and it too should make for some fun reading as they are starting to come around to the idea of each other, at least as friends. The villain of the piece is an interesting one as it is someone that not only have we seen before, but is a new incarnation in a way that will not only lead to more stories at some point, but provides a mystery that could be explored once the team gets a few more adventures under their belt. Now that all the hubbub has died down, you have to wonder what will become of the Vision and if the recent events will lead him back to his emotional core or if he will make a further effort to distance himself from them. Another question that comes to mind is if the team will find themselves in a better situation financially, specifically Iron Man, and if they will get themselves a better headquarters. Why could they simply not go back to the mansion, unless that too was given up with the loss of Iron Man’s finances? A rough start it might have had, but the book managed to shape up quite nicely and has now turned into a title that can be proud to bear the name of the Avengers.

4 out of 5

Plutona #4
Plutona #4

Writer – Jeff Lemire
Artist – Emi Lenox
Colours – Jordie Bellaire
Letters – Steve Wands

When five kids discover the body of the most powerful superhero dead in the woods, keeping it secret is almost impossible to ask. Yet they manage to do so until that body disappears and the group then begins to fracture because of it. Did someone move it? Has someone taken it? Why haven’t they heard anything about it on the news yet? It is in this issue that Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox reveal the truth and it turns out to be the best book of the series thus far. Emotions are running hot between the members of the group with Mie getting closer to Ray and farther away from her best friend Diane. Mie’s brother Mike is hanging out with Teddy and Teddy is growing distant from everybody. Nobody is sure what to do anymore as they are all on pins and needles. The secret they share is too big to keep, especially as they are so young and have no idea what will happen if they keep it or if they share it. Soon enough, Ray notices Teddy sneaking off into the woods and he gets Mie to come with him so they might follow Teddy together. It is then that the secret of Plutona’s missing body comes to light as well as the mystery of Teddy’s recent attitude change and as they argue amongst themselves, the worst possible thing that could happen does happen. Lemire and Lenox paint a mystery filled with tension and sharp characterization and if there is one story featuring an accurate portrayal of children, even one exaggerated with the presence of superheroes, this would be it. The artwork is perfectly suited to the subject material and Lemire’s backup tale involving Plutona’s last mission only adds the icing on the cake. A truly phenomenal book.

4 out of 5

6 replies »

  1. haven’t had a chance to read All New, All Different Avengers #6 yet, great review, must catch up with this issue ASAP. Love that cover! I really enjoyed Plutona #4 this series has been incredible, enjoyed the story and characters so much 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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